Golden Gates

March 2, 2010

On my last day of diving in Jamaica Teresa and I were joined by Paul (open water certified), who was also there for the wedding.  This time we were headed out to Golden Gates, one of the favourite sites of our divemaster Seymour.

The ocean was a bit choppier than our previous dive but not too bad.  Unfortunately the boat was packed with divers so there wasn't a lot of elbow room.  In these cases I prefer to sit as far away from the chaos as possible.  I wait for everyone to get ready and watch while they bump into and trip over eachother.  Once they're settled I get into my gear and jump in the water.

The battery in my camera was almost dead and I knew I only had a few shots left.  So here they are...





And, once again, the obligatory dive buddy shot with Paul.

Everett and Paul

And that was the end of my diving in Jamaica.  Thanks to the great crew at ScubaCaribe.  A good group of knowledgable, safety conscious divers.  Peace.

Golden Gates

Location: Negril, Westmoreland, Jamaica


Dive Number:   72
Bottom Time: 31m
Time In: 9:33 a.m.
Tank In:
Max Depth: 68.00 ft
Table Used:
Mix:   Air
Safety Stop: 3m
Time Out: 10:04 a.m.
Tank Out:
Average Depth: 48.00 ft
Start Pressure Group:
Surface Interval:  
End Pressure Group:


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Everett Toews
TBT: 231h 9m