YO-257 and the San Pedro

May 24, 2011


Today I decided to give another dive company, Rainbow Scuba, on Oahu a try. To date I've really only ever dove with Island Divers on Oahu but they're all the way in Hawaii Kai and Rainbow Scuba dives out of Kewalo Basin, which was much much closer to where I was staying.

So today convenience trumped familiarity and I was picked up by some of the crew at 7:30 am. It was a very busy boat but I was just happy to get a seat and couple of tanks. Plus I was in the ocean by 8:38 am, which made me happy :D

In addition to all of the divers and crew on the boat was a dog named Buddy. Buddy had the full run of boat and had clearly been on boats his whole life. 

Everybody and a Dog

Everybody and a Dog

It was a good day for diving. When we descended on the to the YO-257 there was practically zero current and amazing visibility. I've dove this site 3-4 times before and I've never been able to see or dive the adjacent wreck the San Pedro, which is only ~100 yards away. However, today, we could see the San Pedro on descent no problem. Our divemaster, Ryan, headed straight for it when we reached depth.

Bow of the San Pedro

Bow of the San Pedro

Deck of the San Pedro

Deck of the San Pedro

Interior of the San Pedro

Interior of the San Pedro

Propeller of the San Pedro

Propeller of the San Pedro

On our way back to the the YO-257 I saw an interesting Horned Sea Cucumber.

Horned Sea Cucumber

Horned Sea Cucumber

The YO-257 was as interesting as ever but hadn't changed much since I last dove the wreck.

Deck of the YO-257

Deck of the YO-257

Turtle on the YO-257

Turtle on the YO-257

It was a very active dive but at the end of it I ran out of bottom time before running out of air so it was time to ascend.


Location: Honolulu, Oahu, HI, USA


Dive Number:   75
Bottom Time: 30m
Time In: 8:38 a.m.
Tank In: 3000 PSI
Max Depth: 93.00 ft
Table Used:
Mix:   Air
Safety Stop: 3m
Time Out: 9:08 a.m.
Tank Out: 1500 PSI
Average Depth: 58.00 ft
Start Pressure Group:
Surface Interval:  
End Pressure Group:


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Everett Toews
TBT: 231h 9m