Enclosure Bay |
December 31, 2018 |
The last dive of 2018 on New Year's Eve! We were out on Waiheke Island and I was diving with Waiheke Dive & Snorkel. We went to Enclosure Bay at low tide so it appears quite empty. We were able to walk pretty far out before having to get our fins on and diving out of the bay.
Enclosure Bay
This was a relatively uneventful dive but there was some action right at the outset when the dive master came across a fish that had a hook in its mouth. The hook was still attached to a lead sinker so the fish was weighted down. However the dive master and another diver managed to get the hook out of the fishes mouth and free it up.
Fish rescue
We continued along without too much else happening.
Sea Cucumber
Happy new year!
Enclosure Bay
Location: Waiheke, Enclosure Bay, New Zealand |
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