New Year's Eve Cray and Crab

December 23, 2020

On the second dive of the morning we didn't find quite as many crayfish but our catch rate was higher. I only missed a couple and caught 3 crayfish and 2 crab. My mate caught 1 crayfish. 2 of my crayfish had to go back so we can away with a total of 3 crayfish and 3 crab for the day. Not a lot but enough to nicely complement a meal.

Because of the timing of the catch we weren't able to eat them right away. Instead they were boiled before being frozen. Apparently you can't freeze them first and then boil them later.

We wound up bringing them all out for a New Year's Eve Cray and Crab feast! This time we prepared the crayfish on a hibachi.

Crayfish on the Hibachi

The crab were steamed in a frying pan.

Steamed Crab

Happy New Year and good riddance to 2020!

Shark's Tooth

Location: Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand


Dive Number:   171
Bottom Time: 25m
Time In: 11:30 a.m.
Tank In:
Max Depth: 14.00 ft
Table Used:
Mix:   Air
Safety Stop: 3m
Time Out: 11:55 a.m.
Tank Out:
Average Depth: 12.00 ft
Start Pressure Group:
Surface Interval:   1h 0m
End Pressure Group:


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Everett Toews
TBT: 231h 9m