
December 4, 2021

Shiny new toy! I've had my trusty Cressi Edy II dive computer for 13 years and it's been great. However, it felt like it was time for an upgrade so I went and treated myself to the Shearwater Perdix AI (Air Integrated). It's probably a bit more dive computer than I need (I have no plans to use the tec diving features anytime soon) but I really wanted the air integrated feature. Overall this is a pretty amazing bit of gear.

Being a software developer, I was heartened to see this warning right at the beginning of the manual.

Perdix Warning

The acknowledgement that the dive computer has bugs and will fail actually gives me more confidence in the product. This tells me there is a mature and experienced team behind this hardware/software. The warning is heeded and, of course, I still have my submersible pressure gauge (SPG) plus compass attached to my first stage for redundancy.

My first dive with the air integrated feature was at Mermaid's Kitchen off the south coast in Island Bay. It's a very familiar site for me so I was able to focus more on learning how to use my shiny new toy. I won't go into a list of features but this dive computer is very cool, I especially like the compass.

Perdix AI

Naturally the usual suspects were present at Mermaid's Kitchen.


Blue Cod


There are some cool crevasses to swim through at the site too.

Swim Through

The mobile app and desktop app for the Perdix AI feel just a bit clunky. It seems Shearwater went with some kind of cross-platform user interface framework. The look and feel suffer because of it but they still work just fine. That they can sync via the Shearwater Cloud is a nice touch and works very well.

iOS App

macOS App

All in all I'm very happy with the Perdix AI. Hopefully one day I'll find the time to integrate some of it's features into this website too.


Mermaid's Kitchen East

Location: Wellington, Taputeranga Marine Reserve, New Zealand


Dive Number:   192
Bottom Time: 48m
Time In: 9:52 a.m.
Tank In: 212 PSI
Max Depth: 10.60 ft
Table Used:
Mix:   Air
Safety Stop: 3m
Time Out: 10:40 a.m.
Tank Out: 97 PSI
Average Depth: 6.10 ft
Start Pressure Group:
Surface Interval:  
End Pressure Group:


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Everett Toews
TBT: 231h 9m