First Dive With Zachary

February 19, 2022

First real dive with my son Zachary! It's been a long time coming and it's awesome that's it finally here. We had to wait for a decent weekend of weather but it was totally worth it. We buddied up and went out with just the two us. Nice and easy dive in the Taputeranga Marine Reserve out front of Dive Wellington. 

Dive Buddies

Great dive too. Lots of big Blue Moki.

Blue Moki

Zachary did a great job of sticking by my side and was always ready with the okay signal.


I noticed this Hermit Crab that didn't shy away when I got close.

Hermit Crab

While we were watching the Hermit Crab, the Blue Cod began to gather. They were particularly ornery and were pecking at our masks and hands.

 Blue Cod

Towards the end of the dive, Zachary pointed out a Sea Perch, which I’ve never seen at Mermaid's Kitchen. Of course, a Blue Cod had to stick his nose into things.

 Sea Perch

After that we did our 3 minute safety stop and surfaced within reasonable distance of the buoy where we started.

Mermaid's Kitchen East

Location: Wellington, Taputeranga Marine Reserve, New Zealand


Dive Number:   208
Bottom Time: 46m
Time In: 10:55 a.m.
Tank In: 208 PSI
Max Depth: 11.90 ft
Table Used:
Mix:   Air
Safety Stop: 3m
Time Out: 11:41 a.m.
Tank Out: 88 PSI
Average Depth: 8.20 ft
Start Pressure Group:
Surface Interval:  
End Pressure Group:


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Everett Toews
TBT: 231h 9m