
August 24, 2022

Time for the second feed of the day. It's a bit hard to describe it all. Words, pictures, and videos don't quite do it justice. It's all absolutely mesmerising and exhilarating.

Shark Feed

After the bin for this feed had been emptied, we discovered that one (or more) of the sharks had dragged the bin from the first dive close to the wall. This brought the sharknado right up to us. It got so intense that many of the divers were instructed to retreat from the wall to stay safe. I was off to one side just far enough that I got to keep my front row seat. The frenzy begins around the 2:45m mark in the video below.


Once that was all over with, we returned to the dive shop where the team had a bit of a send off planned for us because it was our last day diving with Aqua Trek. They had arranged a small Kava ceremony for us.

Kava is a crop of the Pacific Islands. The root of the plant is used to produce a drink with calming effect. Kava is dried, ground, and mix with water to be drank. To say it has an earthy taste is an understatement.

For me the Kava effect wasn't very strong at all. I did find it a bit mellowing and it definitely eased my muscles from the day of diving. I suspect they didn't make it too strong as it was the first time for most of us in the dive group. Overall, it was a great experience and we really appreciated the extra effort the team went to for us.

The Bistro

Location: Pacific Harbour, Viti Levu, Serua, Fiji


Dive Number:   219
Bottom Time: 41m
Time In: 11:09 a.m.
Tank In: 200 PSI
Max Depth: 18.80 ft
Table Used:
Mix:   Air
Safety Stop: 3m
Time Out: 11:50 a.m.
Tank Out: 44 PSI
Average Depth: 15.40 ft
Start Pressure Group:
Surface Interval:   52m
End Pressure Group:


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Everett Toews
TBT: 231h 9m