Horseshoe Reef and Kewalo Pipe

May 25, 2011

After the Sea Tiger we made our way to Kewalo Pipe. We anchored on the pipe and descended there but immediately made our way over to Horseshoe reef. Came across a fair bit of wildlife but the best was saved for last.

Cleaner Shrimp

Cleaner Shrimp

Cleaner Shrimp

Cleaner Shrimp

Box Fish

Box Fish

Leaf Scorpion Fish

Leaf Scorpion Fish

The best part was the end of the dive when a baby spotted eagle ray showed up. It swam right over to us and I was able to get a good video of it.

It was a great way to end my diving in Hawaii on this trip.

Kewalo Pipe

Location: Honolulu, Oahu, HI, USA


Dive Number:   78
Bottom Time: 43m
Time In: 9:35 a.m.
Tank In:
Max Depth: 61.00 ft
Table Used:
Mix:   Air
Safety Stop: 3m
Time Out: 10:18 a.m.
Tank Out:
Average Depth: 40.00 ft
Start Pressure Group:
Surface Interval:   37m
End Pressure Group:


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Everett Toews
TBT: 231h 9m