Blue Cod Kisses

March 12, 2023

Off to Mermaid's kitchen for a Sunday afternoon dive. It was relatively calm out so Nate and I had a minute by the dive buoy for a picture.


I was able to navigate us to some of the swim-throughs in Mermaid's Kitchen East.

Swim-Throughs: Before and After

At the midpoint of our dive we ran into some of the resident blue cod, including this good sized one.

Bold Blue Cod

This one was so bold, he even gave Nate a kiss on the cheek at 1:05 of this video!

Blue Cod Kisses

After that it was time to turn around and head back. I even managed to navigate us almost right back to where we started!

Mermaid's Kitchen East

Location: Wellington, Taputeranga Marine Reserve, New Zealand


Dive Number:   228
Bottom Time: 51m
Time In: 2:18 p.m.
Tank In: 208 PSI
Max Depth: 11.50 ft
Table Used:
Mix:   Air
Safety Stop: 3m
Time Out: 3:09 p.m.
Tank Out: 68 PSI
Average Depth: 7.00 ft
Start Pressure Group:
Surface Interval:  
End Pressure Group:


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Everett Toews
TBT: 233h 3m