The Koi Wreck

January 20, 2024

For the first dive of the Marlborough Sounds trip, we headed out to the wreck of the Koi.

On the Way to the Koi

The Koi wasn't a particularly large wreck. We were able to circle it numerous times during the dive.

The Koi

Lots of great wildlife on the wreck too.

Sea Perch



Conger Eel

The ocean floor was also covered with these tubes in areas. I'm not exactly sure what they are.


The first dive went well and was an easy start to the trip.


Location: South Island, Marlborough, New Zealand


Dive Number:   240
Bottom Time: 55m
Time In: 2:25 p.m.
Tank In: 207 PSI
Max Depth: 12.70 ft
Table Used:
Mix:   Air
Safety Stop: 3m
Time Out: 3:20 p.m.
Tank Out: 63 PSI
Average Depth: 8.80 ft
Start Pressure Group:
Surface Interval:  
End Pressure Group:


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