Canterbury Bow

January 21, 2022

Another year and another trip to Northland with a crew from Dive Wellington heading up to Northland Dive. This year I had a good friend along for the trip. It was nice being able to play the knowledgable dive guide as the previous two years were still relatively fresh in my mind.

As usual the first dive of the trip was a backroll off of a rib boat and descent to 28m. We were immediately greeted by this Demoiselle protecting his turf.


The Jewel Anemone were looking healthy.

Jewel Anemone

Cyclone Cody had passed by northern New Zealand and the region saw some massive swells. It was enough to snap the buoy line attached to the bow. At least what was left made for an interesting picture.

Snapped Buoy Line

The bow has some interesting angles on it.

HMNZS Canterbury Bow

On the way back to mid-ship we saw some interesting critters.



The buoy on the line attached to mid-ship looked positively alien. I managed to get a couple of shots before it was time to ascend.


HMNZS Canterbury

Location: Northland, New Zealand


Dive Number:   197
Bottom Time: 31m
Time In: 10:40 a.m.
Tank In: 213 PSI
Max Depth: 28.00 ft
Table Used:
Mix:   Air
Safety Stop: 5m
Time Out: 11:11 a.m.
Tank Out: 70 PSI
Average Depth: 17.80 ft
Start Pressure Group:
Surface Interval:  
End Pressure Group:


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Everett Toews
TBT: 231h 9m